Tuesday, April 18, 2006


While on shift at the A & E department last evening, I was involved in a resuscitation of a 25 year man. He had fits while travelling in a public bus and passed out. The five of us(student nurses) took turns in performing CPR(Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). He didn't make it.

As I stare at the monitor watching his heart rate diminishing, many questions ran through my head. How would his family take it? What has he left uncompleted? Was he on his way to meet his love ones? His family and love ones didn't even have the chance to say goodbye....

Later at night, while watching Grey's Anantomy, there was this young woman who had a pipe pierced through her and another man during a train wreck, they were sitting face to face. Ironically both of them had their life sustained by the pipe temporarily. Her spine was crushed together with her nerves to her lower body, and the man's main artery was severed badly by it. If the pipe was removed, both of them will bleed to death very quickly. After careful examination, the doctors concluded that the young woman's chance of survival was very slim as opposed to the man. It was heart wrenching while the doctors explained the situation to both of them. The woman knew she was not going to make it, and had to make the decision in order to prevent complications to the other man. The tough part, her fiance was on his way to see her from another state. In the end she opted for the procedure to start immediately.

Recently, one of my good friend's brother collasped while jogging. He passed away before any of his family members could see him. He led a frugal life and excelled academically with a honour's degree from UK, he was only 33 and the youngest in the family. Their mother was devastated.

All of the above again reminded me of how transient life is, even though the tv show was fictional. In my opinion, life is not just about money or status, it's how you live it. Ask yourself this, if your life were to end this instance, what are your regrets? Now, since your life isn't going to end as yet, what are you going to do about those regrets?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Just finished another episode of grey's anatomy, love the show man! Unlike when I was watching ER, I knew most of the medical jargon being spew now. Educational and entertaining at the same time.... :)

Will Dr. McDreamy sign the papers? Will Alex & Izzie get it on? Is O'Malley harbouring a secret crush on Meredith?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi

Some of my questions about nursing;

1. Why do nurses work 6 days week when office and even fastfood workers are having 5 days week?

Although some hospitals are implementing new regulations such as 3 days off in 2 weeks, this is something that baffles me. Healthcare workers' job are not easy and most of them are physically and mentally exhausting, and not forgetting that lives are at stake too.

2. The shifts are planned as such: Ends at abt 10pm, and starts at 7am the following day.

This a bit absurd, it will be abt 11pm when the nurse reaches home (this is provided that work are finished on time), add in the shower time etc... it will be at least 12am when he/she goes to bed. Then to wake at 5am again, only 5 or less hours of sleep.

I understand that it will be tough for a person to work 5 or more mornings in a row. But can't it be scheduled such that the person works morning shift followed by afternoon shift the next? Eg, 3 mornings followed by 2 afternoon shifts and then off a day.

Imagine having 5 or less hours of sleep and having to serve medication early in the morning. Doesn't this increase the risk for errors?

I've asked some of my lecturers this question, they couldn't really answer me except that it's like that all along.

My friend told me that perhaps after the current batch of dinosaurs (senior nurses, nursing officers etc) retire that things might change. I'm just hoping for a huge 'meteor' to come crashing, that was how the dinosaurs got extinct.... :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Competition Ahead

In 3 months time, me and most of my school mates will be trainee staff nurses. How we perform will determine the duration of the probation. I'm sure this will be yet another competition for many of my classmates. I can even foreseen the possibility of the following conversation;

Scenario - 4 months after graduation

Pax A "Hi, so how are your probations going on?"

Pax B "Oh, ok lor got a lot of new things to learn."

Pax C (pretend to sigh) "Hmm... My ward too, dunno why but my N.O. (nursing offiicer) confirmed me last week. I still think that I not ready leh...."

Pax B (gives C a look and then pretend to sigh also) " Yalor, my sister also dunno why so fast confirmed me LAST MONTH leh, I also think I still got a lot of things to learn...."

Pax A (innocently) "Oh, I was confirmed two months ago. And my N.O said that they are considerign to sponsor me for the overseas degree also..."

Pax B & C (reluctantly and bo pian) " Oh.... congrats!......"

Ha ha, you get the idea right? :)