There is this person whom I'm working with, makes me shudder with revulsion just thinking that she is my colleague. I believe in healthcare, one of the elementary quality that a person should possess is honesty.
Not too long ago when I was partnered with her (which rarely happens, thank goodness!), I got the first taste of her dishonesty. She was supposed to help a patient by applying some antiseptic solution on his hand, I asked her at the beginning of the shift if she have any difficulty in getting it done, and she said "No problem!" One hour before our shift ended, she told that me that she had already done it. But a quick check with the patient says otherwise. I pretended and asked her again, she lied again. I continued and said that I checked with the patient and knew that it wasn't done. She was stumped for a moment, probably her lead filled brain couldn't process questions in succession. She then tried to turn the table around and said that she thought I done it already, I was like "huh?", I just ignored her and walk away.....
Her list of triumphs in the ward includes, MIA (missing in action), fake charting (pt's BP etc), pretending to be sick, skiving and many more. I just hope that one of these days, she will be caught by the higher authorities.....