Saturday, August 27, 2005

Circle of Truth

One of the mental health nursing tutorial had the class spilt into two. Within each half, a circle was formed where everyone sat facing inwards.

We then took turns and sat in the middle of the circle. First we would addressed our own strengths and weaknesses, share feedback abt our friends' perception of ourselves and finally everyone in the circle will tell the person what they perceived as he/her strength and weakness.

It was rather interesting as everyone took the 'hotseat' and share their thoughts. The resident bitch of our class was the first to take the hot seat, and describe herself as a frank and direct person. It's like hello? Try evil, manipulative and scheming, bitch!
After her own narcissistic blabber, one of her 'avid admirer' told her point blank, "You appear very confident, but that confidence is very repulsive." woah...... you should have seen the expression on her face. But being the resident bitch, she was quick to composed herself and forced a "oh, it's okay" kind of smile. I'm sure molten lava was splurting out of her arteries.

I didn't have the chance to take the hotseat due to the time constraint. But if I did, will I be able to take the critiques? Hmm....


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